Middle East

My name is Daniel Pearl.

Indifference is the anteroom of evil. And against that evil I will always struggle.

Spanish journalist receives Pearl Award

Spanish journalist Pilar Rahola was presented with the ADL Daniel Pearl Award.

AHF remarks for ADL Daniel Pearl award to Pilar Rahola

AHF remarks for ADL Daniel Pearl award to Pilar Rahola

Speech from Abraham Foxman

Anti-semitism, racism, delegitimization of Israel and Terrorism are among some of the major issues with which the Anti-Defamation League is engaged.

Jews with Six Arms

Cultured people, when they read about Israel, are ready to believe that Jews have six arms.

The Lunatic Left

“Kill that infidel pig!” On September 19, 2006 that simple order, issued by an Imam, forever changed the life of the French high school teacher Robert Redeker.